
MaRin · 2021-06-26 00:50:01

12x Deferred XML Node object named QCItemButtonTemplate already exists

1x Skillet-Classic\UI\MainFrame.lua:1383: Invalid trade skill item in SetTradeSkillItem(index [,reagent])
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetTradeSkillItem'
[string "@Skillet-Classic\UI\MainFrame.lua"]:1383: in function `SkillButton_OnEnter'
[string "*:OnEnter"]:3: in function <[string "*:OnEnter"]:1>

(*temporary) = SkilletTradeskillTooltip {
 BottomLeftCorner = {
 OnBackdropLoaded = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:239
 backdropBorderColor = <table> {
 GetBackdropColor = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:477
 TopLeftCorner = {
 RightEdge = {
 ApplyBackdrop = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:381
 SetBackdrop = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:416
 ClearBackdrop = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:369
 TopOverlay = {
 GetBackdropBorderColor = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:496
 GetBackdrop = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:434
 SetBorderBlendMode = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:353
 comparing = false
 SetupTextureCoordinates = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:301
 OnBackdropSizeChanged = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:269
 HasBackdropInfo = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:365
 BottomOverlay = {
 0 =
 GetEdgeSize = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:275
 updateTooltip = 0.200000
 TopRightCorner = {
 TopEdge = {
 backdropColor = <table> {
 Center = {
 backdropInfo = <table> {
 BottomEdge = {
 SetBackdropBorderColor = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:509
 needsReset = true
 SetupPieceVisuals = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:333
 SetBackdropColor = <function> defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:486
 LeftEdge = {
 BottomRightCorner = {
(*temporary) = 15

9x Pawn\Pawn-2.5.10.lua:2622: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'Quantity' (a nil value)
[string "@Pawn\Pawn-2.5.10.lua"]:2622: in function `PawnGetItemValue'
[string "@Pawn\Pawn-2.5.10.lua"]:1654: in function `PawnGetAllItemValues'
[string "@Pawn\Pawn-2.5.10.lua"]:1474: in function `PawnRecalculateItemValuesIfNecessary'
[string "@Pawn\Pawn-2.5.10.lua"]:1348: in function `PawnGetItemData'
[string "@Pawn\Pawn-2.5.10.lua"]:1450: in function `PawnGetItemDataForInventorySlot'
[string "@Pawn\Pawn-2.5.10.lua"]:3561: in function `PawnCheckInventoryForUpgrades'
[string "@Pawn\Pawn-2.5.10.lua"]:3850: in function <Pawn\Pawn.lua:3842>
[string "@Pawn\VgerCore\VgerCore-1.13.nil.lua"]:348: in function `PawnOnInventoryChanged'
[string "@Pawn\Pawn-2.5.10.lua"]:126: in function `PawnOnEvent'
[string "*:OnEvent"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEvent"]:1>

Item = <table> {
 IsLeather = 1
 Agility = 27
 HitRating = 11
 BlueSocket = 1
 Stamina = 18
 YellowSocket = 1
 RedSocket = 1
 Armor = 232
ItemLevel = 88
SocketBonus = <table> {
ScaleName = ""Classic":ROGUE2"
DebugMessages = true
NoNormalization = nil
ScaleOptions = <table> {
 PerCharacterOptions = <table> {
 Values = <table> {
 Color = "fff468"
 Header = "預設權重"
 LocalizedName = "盜賊: 戰鬥"
 ClassID = 4
 DoNotShow1HUpgrades = false
 Role = "DAMAGER"
 DoNotShow2HUpgrades = false
 UpgradesFollowSpecialization = false
 Provider = "Classic"
 UnenchantedColor = "bfb74e"
 SpecID = 2
 ProviderActive = true
ScaleValues = <table> {
 IsOffHand = -1000000
 ArcaneResist = 0.040000
 FrostResist = 0.040000
 ResilienceRating = 0.200000
 Agility = 1
 ExpertiseRating = 1.100000
 Spirit = 0.050000
 IsFrill = -1000000
 Is2HAxe = -1000000
 Strength = 0.500000
 ParryRating = 0.120000
 Hp5 = 1
 NatureResist = 0.040000
 Ap = 0.450000
 IsWand = -1000000
 IsWarglaive = -1000000
 CritRating = 0.810000
 IsAxe = -1000000
 MeleeMinDamage = 0.875000
 HasteRating = 0.900000
 Armor = 0.005000
 MetaSocketEffect = 36
 DefenseRating = 0.050000
 Is2HMace = -1000000
 IsStaff = -1000000
 MeleeDps = 3
 ShadowResist = 0.040000
 IsPolearm = -1000000
 MeleeMaxDamage = 0.875000
 IsMail = -1000000
 IsPlate = -1000000
 AllResist = 0.200000
 HitRating = 1
 Is2HSword = -1000000
 Stamina = 0.100000
 FireResist = 0.040000
 IsShield = -1000000
 DodgeRating = 0.050000
Total = 40.960000
TotalSocketValue = 12
ProperSocketValue = 11.240000
SocketBonusValue = 0
IsUnusable = nil
ThisValue = 36
Stat = "MetaSocketEffect"
Quantity = nil
ThisScaleBestGems = <table> {
 PrismaticSocketValue = <table> {
 RedSocket = <table> {
 PrismaticSocket = <table> {
 MetaSocket = <table> {
 YellowSocketValue = <table> {
 BlueSocket = <table> {
 YellowSocket = <table> {
 BlueSocketValue = <table> {
 MetaSocketValue = <table> {
 RedSocketValue = <table> {
ShouldIncludeSockets = true
GemQualityLevel = 0
SocketValue = <function> defined @Pawn\Pawn.lua:2572
BasicSocketsCount = 3
BestGemName = "精緻的紅玉
BestGemValue = 4
MissocketedValue = 12
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = "MetaSocket"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 4
(*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'Quantity' (a nil value)"
PawnScaleTotals = <table> {
 "Classic":WARRIOR2 = 47.555000
 "Classic":MAGE3 = 43.765000
 "Classic":WARLOCK2 = 45.045000
 "Classic":MAGE1 = 44.699000
 "Classic":WARRIOR1 = 48.775000
 "Classic":PALADIN2 = 51.640000
 "Classic":HUNTER2 = 48.755000
 "Classic":PRIEST1 = 42.185000
 "Classic":WARRIOR3 = 50.240000
 "Classic":WARLOCK3 = 45.025000
 "Classic":PRIEST3 = 43.915000
 "Classic":SHAMAN2 = 49.744000
 "Classic":HUNTER3 = 48.755000
 "Classic":HUNTER1 = 48.515000
 "Classic":SHAMAN1 = 44.755000
 "Classic":ROGUE1 = 49.235000
 "Classic":SHAMAN3 = 42.975000
 "Classic":PALADIN1 = 41.825000
 "Classic":ROGUE = 48.635000
 "Classic":ROGUE3 = 49.235000
 "Classic":ROGUE2 = 48.485000
 "Classic":WARLOCK1 = 44.115000
 "Classic":DRUID4 = 43.525000
 "Classic":DRUID2 = 44.245000
 "Classic":DRUID3 = 44.600000
 "Classic":DRUID1 = 44.115000
 "Classic":PALADIN3 = 50.360000
 "Classic":MAGE2 = 44.349000
 "Classic":PRIEST2 = 42.635000


Dololo · 2021-06-26 06:25:07

1. 彩虹裡面有3種不同風格的【任務對話】插件,請選擇其中一種載入使用就好,不要都載入,會衝突。
2. 更新一下【交易助手】插件。
3. 更新一下【裝備屬性比較】插件。