
kogjow · 2023-10-21 07:35:14

5x DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:93: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'ignitingCount' (a nil value)
[string "@DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua"]:93: in function `handler'
[string "@DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:1061: in function <DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:1048>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:1061: in function <DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:1048>

self = <table> {
 stats = <table> {
 SyncThreshold = 8
 numBoss = 1
 ignoreBestkill = false
 modId = "DBM-WorldEvents"
 engagedDiffText = "事件 - "
 revision = 20231019035830
 DefaultOptions = <table> {
 iconRestore = <table> {
 OnCombatStart = <function> defined @DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:54
 engagedDiffIndex = 19
 SPELL_DAMAGE = <function> defined @DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:108
 localization = <table> {
 announces = <table> {
 subTab = 1
 SPELL_MISSED = <function> defined @DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:108
 categorySort = <table> {
 groupSpells = <table> {
 GOSSIP_SHOW = <function> defined @DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:116
 inCombat = true
 engagedDiff = "event5"
 zones = <table> {
 combatInfo = <table> {
 Options = <table> {
 inCombatOnlyEventsRegistered = 1
 addon = <table> {
 SPELL_CAST_START = <function> defined @DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:65
 specwarns = <table> {
 timers = <table> {
 encounterId = 2725
 groupOptions = <table> {
 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED = <function> defined @DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:98
 optionCategories = <table> {
 creatureId = 207438
 id = "d285"
 vb = <table> {
 inCombatOnlyEvents = <table> {
args = <table> {
 sourceName = "無頭騎士"
 destFlags = -2147483648
 spellId = 415047
 sourceRaidFlags = 0
 spellName = "藤蔓進擊"
 destRaidFlags = -2147483648
 destGUID = ""
 timestamp = 1697761597.140000
 sourceFlags = 68168
 sourceGUID = "Vehicle-0-3902-1004-12427-207438-000031C926"
spellId = 415047
timer = 20.600000
(*temporary) = <function> defined @DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:10218
(*temporary) = <table> {
 spellId = 415047
 icon = 415052
 type = "cdcount"
 simpType = "cd"
 id = "Timer415047cdcount"
 option = "Timer415047cdcount"
 startedTimers = <table> {
 colorType = 1
 name = "藤蔓進擊"
 mod = <table> {
 timer = 41.400000
(*temporary) = 20.600000
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 415047
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'ignitingCount' (a nil value)"
specWarnInsidiousCackle = <table> {
 voiceOptionId = "Voice415262"
 hasVoice = 2
 spellId = 415262
 icon = 136185
 option = "SpecWarn415262moveaway"
 text = "陰險笑聲 - 快離開其他人"
 flash = 1
 combinedcount = 0
 mod = <table> {
 announceType = "moveaway"
 type = "moveaway"
 combinedtext = <table> {
 sound = true
 spellName = "陰險笑聲"
allTimers = <table> {
 414844 = <table> {
 415262 = <table> {
 415047 = <table> {
 423626 = <table> {
timerInsidiousCackleCD = <table> {
 spellId = 415262
 icon = 136185
 type = "cdcount"
 simpType = "cd"
 id = "Timer415262cdcount"
 option = "Timer415262cdcount"
 startedTimers = <table> {
 colorType = 2
 name = "陰險笑聲"
 mod = <table> {
 timer = 41.400000
specWarnPumpkinBreath = <table> {
 voiceOptionId = "Voice414844"
 hasVoice = 2
 spellId = 414844
 icon = 524795
 option = "SpecWarn414844dodgecount"
 text = "南瓜吐息 (%s) - 閃避攻擊"
 flash = 2
 combinedcount = 0
 mod = <table> {
 announceType = "dodgecount"
 type = "dodgecount"
 combinedtext = <table> {
 sound = true
 spellName = "南瓜吐息"
timerPumpkinBreathCD = <table> {
 spellId = 414844
 icon = 524795
 type = "cdcount"
 simpType = "cd"
 id = "Timer414844cdcount"
 option = "Timer414844cdcount"
 startedTimers = <table> {
 colorType = 3
 name = "南瓜吐息"
 mod = <table> {
 timer = 41.400000
timerHotHeadCD = <table> {
 spellId = 423626
 icon = 135818
 type = "cdcount"
 simpType = "cd"
 id = "Timer423626cdcount"
 option = "Timer423626cdcount"
 startedTimers = <table> {
 colorType = 3
 name = "暴躁易怒"
 mod = <table> {
 timer = 49
warnVineMarch = <table> {
 type = "spell"
 spellId = 415047
 option = "announce415047spell"
 color = <table> {
 text = "藤蔓進擊"
 announceType = "spell"
 combinedcount = 0
 mod = <t

Dololo · 2023-10-21 09:42:21

這是 DBM 的錯誤,請更新 DBM。