["1"] = "Stuttering Information:", ["2"] = "An addon feature, script is using: _G.UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()", ["3"] = "", ["4"] = "Description: 計算插件的記憶體使用量", ["5"] = "", ["6"] = "You may first: disable the addon feature that uses the functionality.", ["7"] = "Second: disable a script which are using the function call: _G.UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage().", ["8"] = "", ["9"] = "Callstack for Debug:", ["10"] = "[string "@Interface/AddOns/XIV_Databar_Continued/Core/modules/system.lua"]:265: in function `ShowTooltip'", ["11"] = "[string "@Interface/AddOns/XIV_Databar_Continued/Core/modules/system.lua"]:168: in function `HoverFunction'", ["12"] = "[string "@Interface/AddOns/XIV_Databar_Continued/Core/modules/system.lua"]:217: in function <...AddOns/XIV_Databar_Continued/Core/modules/system.lua:216>",請問 以上 這些錯誤 是哪個插件 出錯了 謝謝解答
Athena · 2023-09-09 04:08:51
["1"] = "Stuttering Information:",
請問 以上 這些錯誤 是哪個插件 出錯了 謝謝解答["2"] = "An addon feature, script is using: _G.UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage()",
["3"] = "",
["4"] = "Description: 計算插件的記憶體使用量",
["5"] = "",
["6"] = "You may first: disable the addon feature that uses the functionality.",
["7"] = "Second: disable a script which are using the function call: _G.UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage().",
["8"] = "",
["9"] = "Callstack for Debug:",
["10"] = "[string "@Interface/AddOns/XIV_Databar_Continued/Core/modules/system.lua"]:265: in function `ShowTooltip'",
["11"] = "[string "@Interface/AddOns/XIV_Databar_Continued/Core/modules/system.lua"]:168: in function `HoverFunction'",
["12"] = "[string "@Interface/AddOns/XIV_Databar_Continued/Core/modules/system.lua"]:217: in function <...AddOns/XIV_Databar_Continued/Core/modules/system.lua:216>",
Dololo · 2023-09-09 09:50:27
很久以前 Details 會警告有插件使用這個功能,因為它覺得這個功能會影響效能,但實際上還好,而且後來 Details 似乎也改掉了,很久沒看到了。
Dololo · 2023-09-09 10:31:55
先試試輸入 /details perf 然後按 Enter 鍵,看看是否有用。
Athena · 2023-09-10 08:29:38